Dental Implant Procedure

A dental implant is a permanent procedure that involves replacing a tooth or multiple missing teeth.It so closely replicatesthe original look and function of a natural tooth and tooth root, making the dental implant procedure one of the most successful tooth replacement procedures available today. During a dental implant procedure, an attachment is made to the jawbone, and because its durability a dental implant can last a lifetime with proper care.

A dental implant procedure can take as little as a few weeks or up to nine months. This depends on the condition of your gums, jaws and teeth. The expertise of an experienced dentist along with a reliable and trustworthy oral surgeon and reconstructive dentist will ensure that your dental implants are secure and ready to last you a life time.

Step by Step Procedure for a Dental Implant

Stage 1 – A Thorough Assessment of your Teeth

The oral and maxillofacial surgeon will conduct a thorough assessment of the teeth, and will take note of the missing tooth or teeth. They will then list out all the available options with you and will also make a recommendation of the best one. If needed, theywill take x-rays and will check you overall health, dental health, bone structure and gum tissues to assess if your mouth can support dental implants. If everything looks all right, impressions of your mouth will be taken to determine the exact location for the dental implant to be positioned. Theywill also give you an estimated cost for the procedure and will be open to any questions that you may have.

Stage 2 – Inserting the Implant into the Jawbone

For a dental implant procedure very accurate and precise state of the art technology is used. An anesthesia will be administered to you to ensure that you do not feel any discomfort or pain. You can choose whether you would like a local or a total anesthesia. The dentist will then very carefully position the dental implant at the position where the tooth root is missing; this is the bone of the upper or lower gums. The dental prosthesis, which has been prepared, will then be placed over the top of your gums to allow them to heal properly. The dental implant replicates the look and function of the original tooth.

Stage 3 – Time to Recover

Recovery is an important step which can take anywhere between 3 to 6 months. This will give you ample time for the bone to grow around the new implant and secure it in place. This will be a time when your gums may be swollen or bruised and the implant area may bleed a bit. It is important to adhere to the dentist instructions regarding soft food and maintenance of the implant. Effective healing will take place with tender care.

Stage 4 – Making the Crown

Once the implant is secure and has healed and bonded with the jawbone, another impression of your tooth will be taken. An artificial tooth will be created for that part. The artificial tooth or dental crown will then be fastened securely to this abutment.

Stage 5 – Inserting the New Crown

About two weeks’ time is given for the gums to heal. The final step is the insertion of your new crown. Thanks to technology, the dental crown, or the artificial tooth looks similar to the original tooth. The crown is then fixed atop the dental implantthat was fixed into your jawbone. Because of the strong roots, chewing and eating should be normal. A yearly follow up is usually recommended

Your Solution to Dental Implants – Dr. Aki Shirakura& Associates

Dental implants need not be unpleasant. If you are in need of one or you know of someone who has been struggling with a missing tooth or teeth, but has been hesitant to go to a dentist, rest assured, your fears will be allayed with us. Call us at 914-303-6150.