Cosmetic dentistry enhances the whiteness, fullness and shape of the teeth. It has become popular among many celebrities, who underwent cosmetic dentistry procedures to not only improve their teeth, but also their careers.

Below are 10 celebrities who underwent cosmetic dentistry procedures:

  1. Tom Cruise (Actor): Tom cruise started his career with discolored, out of alignment teeth. He underwent different cosmetic dentistry procedures such as whitening, straightening and veneers.
  2. Hilary Duff (Actress and Singer): In the beginning of her carrier as a Disney child star, Hilary Duff had imperfect teeth. As she transitioned more to singing in 2009, she chipped her tooth on a microphone while in concert. She then decided to upgrade to a full set of veneers, which have now greatly improved her smile.
  3. Nicolas Cage (Actor): To get into character for 1984 film “Birdy” Nicolas Cage had two teeth pulled. Once he moved on to leading roles, he got a full set of veneers.
  4. Victoria Beckham (Singer and Fashion Icon): Victoria Beckham’s old teeth had uneven spacing with wide gaps. She had her teeth straightened and bonded before she became a famous member of the Spice Girls in the late 1990s.
  5. 50 Cent (Rapper): 50 cent fixed his gapped teeth after another rapper called him out for the gap in a song. However, he made a conscious decision to not make his front teeth any smaller, because he still wanted to look like himself when he looked in the mirror.
  6. Jim Carrey (Actor): The chipped tooth Jim Carrey displays in the movie “Dumb and Dumber” was bonded decades ago. However, he removes the bonding occasionally to amuse fans.
  7. Celine Dion (Singer): Celine Dion’s teeth were imperfect until she underwent cosmetic dentistry procedures in 1990, after her career began to take off. Her teeth are whiter and smaller now.
  8. Morgan Freeman (Actor): Freeman’s teeth became yellow as he aged. He had his teeth whitened and the middle gap taken out. Now he looks younger than he did before seeing his cosmetic dentist.
  9. Mike Tyson (Boxer): As a boxer, Mike Tyson wasn’t known for pretty teeth. He went through a phase were he wore gold caps on his front teeth. He had his gap closed slightly and had veneers replace the gold caps.
  10. Miler Cyrus (Actress and Singer): As a teen singer during her days as “Hanna Montana” Miler Cyrus had slightly crooked teeth. She upgraded her teeth with whitening and straightening as she left Disney Channel to fit her new image.

Want great looking teeth? Contact Dr. Aki Shirakura & Associates

We perform restorations that can give you a Hollywood smile! A healthy smile not only improves your appearance, but also boosts your self-esteem and confidence. To request an appointment, call us at 914-303-6150 or email at We will give you the individualized professional care that you need and deserve.


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